Sunday | 4 PM - 10 PM |
Monday - Thursday | 7:45 AM - 10 PM |
Friday | 7:45 AM - 5 PM |
Saturday | Closed |
Monday-Friday | 8 AM - 5 PM |
Log in to your Library Account to access your account summary (due dates, fines, checkout history, etc.).
You may also place a hold on an item that is currently checked out. When the item is returned, you will receive an email notice that the item is available for pick up at the circulation desk. Items will be held for one week before being returned to the circulating collection.
Go to the library's catalog homepage here. In the top right corner click on Log in.
LeTourneau Constituents
Students and employees of LeTourneau University are considered to be LeTourneau constituents and may use the Margaret Estes Library during all hours of operation. Presenting a valid LeTourneau identification card allows checkout of Library materials, use of the reserve room, access to the computers, use of the printer and copier (with applicable fees), and services from the reference librarian. Access to online databases is available through the Library website with LetNet credentials. Interlibrary loans, laptop borrowing, and wireless network access are available to constituents.
Members of the community are welcome in the Library during public hours, Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM. They may request assistance from the reference librarian and use the copier (with applicable fees). If they have a TexShare card, photo ID and are over 18 years of age, they may use a public computer for two hours per day. Visitors must consent to have a personal library account created and present valid identification at the circulation desk to be allowed check-out privileges in the Library.
Registered Public Patrons
Members of the community are welcome in the Library during public hours, Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM. They may request assistance from the reference librarian and use the printer and copier (with applicable fees).
All minors must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older at all times in the library.
To access a public computer and/or check out library materials, all visiting patrons must present a valid TexShare card and consent to have a personal library account created in the Margaret Estes Library system.
Public computer workstations are available on a first come, first serve basis with priority given to LETU students, faculty, and staff. During times of high student traffic public computers may be inaccessible to community members. Public patrons may access one of 4 designated computers for two hours per day and must follow LETU’s computer policies.
Library accounts allow materials to be checked out of the Margaret Estes Library following the established circulation policy for public patrons.
Affiliate Members
In addition to the services for visitors, members of the community who are involved in research and have a valid need for extended access to the Library outside of the usual public patron hours may apply to be affiliate members. Affiliate members may include pastors, alumni, counselors, students from other colleges, and spouses and children of current LeTourneau constituents. Affiliate Members must have a research or reference need and be unable to access the Library during public hours, Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM.
The application is available at the circulation desk. After approval, registered members present a valid photo ID and current TexShare card. Our circulation policy governs the number of items and length of borrowing period.
DVDs/CDs (2 max) |
Reserve |
Reference |
Max items |
Renewals |
LETU Student |
3 weeks |
1 week |
As indicated |
Library Use |
10 |
1 |
LETU Staff |
3 weeks |
2 weeks |
As indicated |
Library Use |
10 |
1 |
LETU Faculty |
6 weeks |
2 weeks |
As indicated |
Library Use |
20 |
1 |
Public |
3 weeks |
2 weeks |
As indicated |
Library Use |
5 |
1 |
Items are expected to be returned in a timely manner.
If library fines are owed, a hold will be put on the student’s account. The current fees are posted on the library web page. The student will not be able to register for the next semester until the fines are paid. Grades and transcripts will also be held (including diploma, if applicable).
Faculty & Staff
Overdue fees are not charged for LETU owned library materials. If the faculty member needs the material longer than a 12-week period, a program copy should be purchased using school or department funds so the library copy can remain in circulation. If a faculty member keeps a library item more than the 12 allowed weeks, the dean will be notified. At this point, the dean can require the faculty member to return the item or elect to have the faculty member retain the item. If the school elects to retain the item, the school will be charged the cost of replacement plus processing fee.
Public/Affiliate Members
If library fines are owed, a hold will be placed on the patron's account and will not be allowed to check out materials from the library.
Material |
Fine |
Circulating items |
10 cents/ day |
InterLibrary Loan |
50 cents/ day |
Reserve Materials |
50 cents/ day |
Lost Item |
Cost of item plus $10 processing fee |