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Current Hours

Margaret Estes Library Hours 


Sunday 4 PM - 10 PM                                                                                                                                                                 
Monday - Thursday 7:45 AM - 10 PM
Friday 7:45 AM - 5 PM
Saturday Closed


Monday-Friday            8 AM - 5 PM


Download Zotero Firefox or Standalone

Zotero is a reference management tool used to build and organize a research library. The desktop software can be freely downloaded  to multiple devices and is compatible with operating systems including Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux.           


PDF Viewer

Files in your library can be accessed by double-clicking the file in the center column. Alternatively, you can right-click the file and selecting “View PDF” or “View in External Viewer” (for PDFs) or “View File”.


Sync Your Library

Zotero's online syncing allows you to access your Zotero library on any computer with internet access. Zotero syncing has two parts: data syncing and file syncing.  Learn more about syncing.     


Manually Add Citations

Adding Items by Hand

To manually add an item to your Zotero library, click the green “New Item” () button at the top of the center column, and select the desired item type from the drop-down menu (the top level of the menu shows recently created item types; the complete list of item types, minus Web Page, can be found under “More”). An empty item of the selected item type will now appear in the center column. You can then manually enter the item's bibliographic information via the right column.

Edit Citations

Editing Items

When you have selected an item in the center column, you can view and edit its bibliographic information via the Info tab of the right column. Most fields can be clicked and edited. Changes are saved automatically as they are made. Some fields have special features, which are discussed below.

Organize and Take Notes

Organizing Your Library and Taking Notes