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Biology Research Starter

Welcome To The Biology Research Starter

Welcome to the Biology Subject Guide
This guide offers resources on Biological studies. 

  • Use the Books tab to browse print and digital books in the LETU collection
  • Use the Articles tab to search databases for scholarly articles
  • Use the Websites tab for suggested websites for further study
  • Use the Course Reserves tab for items held in reserve at the front desk for specific courses.

Where to Find Biology Books in the Library Stacks

Most of the Biology materials will be located under the call number QH.

QH1-278.5 - Natural history

QH1-199.5 - General, including nature conservation, geographical distribution

QH201-278.5 - Microscopy

QH301-705.5 - Biology (General)

QH359-425 - Evolution

QH426-470 - Genetics

QH471-489 - Reproduction

QH501-531 - Life

QH540-549.5 - Ecology

QH573-671 - Cytology

QH705-705.5 - Economic biology

Most of the Microbiology materials will be located under the call number QR.

QR1-502 - Microbiology

QR1-74.5 - General

QR75-99.5 - Bacteria

QR99.6-99.8 - Cyanobacteria

QR100-130 - Microbial ecology

QR171 - Microorganisms in the animal body

QR180-189.5 - Immunology

QR355-502 - Virology

Recommended Titles