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Psychology Research Starter

Welcome To The Psychology Research Starter

Welcome to the Psychology Subject Guide 

This guide offers resources on Psychology studies. 

  • Use the Books tab to browse print and digital books in the LETU collection
  • Use the Articles tab to search databases for scholarly articles
  • Use the Websites tab for suggested websites for further study
  • Use the Course Reserves tab for items held in reserve at the front desk for specific courses.

Where to Find Psychology Books in the Library Stacks

Most of the Psychology materials will be located under the call number BF.

BF1-990 - Psychology

BF38-64 - Philosophy.  Relation to other topics

BF173-175.5 - Psychoanalysis

BF176-176.5 - Psychological tests and testing

BF180-198.7 - Experimental psychology

BF203 - Gestalt psychology

BF207-209 - Psychotropic drugs and other substances

BF231-299 - Sensation.  Aesthesiology

BF309-499 - Consciousness.  Cognition.

BF501-505 - Motivation

BF511-593 - Affection.  Feeling.  Emotion

BF608-635 - Will.  Volition.  Choice.  Control

BF636-637 - Applied psychology

BF638-648 - New Thought.  Menticulture, etc.

BF660-685 - Comparative psychology.  Animal and human psychology

BF692-692.5 - Psychology of sex.  Sexual behavior

BF697-697.5 - Differential psychology.  Individuality.  Self

BF698-698.9 - Personality

BF699-711 - Genetic psychology

BF712-724.85 - Developmental psychology (Including infant psychology, child psychology, adolescence, adulthood)

BF725-727 - Class psychology

BF795-839 - Temperament.  Character

BF839.8-885 - Physiognomy.  Phrenology

BF889-905 - Graphology.  Study of handwriting

Recommended Titles